All monetary donations and fees charged are for time and lawful companionship only. Whatever may transpire between us is a matter of personal choice between two consenting adults and is not contracted for. Please do not send explicit requests for solicitation or sexual activity of any kind. Any attempt to negotiate lewd activities in exchange for money or other considerations will result in an end to all further contact and forfeiture of deposit.
I take exquisite care to prepare for our date and I ask that you do the same. I request that you shower at my incall location at the start of our date in the spirit of excellent hygiene.
Please refrain from wearing strong scents, such as cologne or scented deodorant.
Clip your fingernails and file them if necessary, so you do not scratch my skin during our time together.
Freshen your breath. I will have mouthwash available if needed.
Please make sure you have the correct consideration prepared, which must be in cash in an unmarked, unsealed envelope.
If you’re visiting me, please leave it on the kitchen counter or bureau prior to using the shower. If I am visiting you, please leave it in the bathroom.
If we are meeting in public, the consideration must be made obvious and in plain sight in an open envelope or a book you enjoy, or in a gift bag, so that I may receive it immediately upon our meeting.
Thank you for paying for any expenses incurred over the course of our date, such as dinner or event tickets.
Tips are never expected, but always appreciated.
Safety & communication
I expect kindness in all our interactions before, during, and after our time together. My boundaries must be respected at all times. If I feel disrespected or my well-being is endangered at any time, I will end our session immediately, without a refund.
Please refrain from explicit language or topics while we are planning our date.
If you'd like to casually chat between our encounters, ask me about a monthly digital arrangement.
I largely abstain from substances, including alcohol. I kindly ask that you are mindful of your use during our time together so we can both be fully present with each other. Please disclose any usage.
Rest assured that I value discretion and have the utmost respect for your privacy. Everything you share with me is completely confidential. My email is end-to-end encrypted and I offer messaging over an encrypted texting app by request. I'm happy to sign an NDA if sent at least 24 hours in advance of our date.